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How proud are you to be an American: very proud, moderately proud, only a little proud, or not at all proud? That’s the question 1,000 students were asked across the nation in an online poll conducted by College Pulse for The College Fix.


Only eight percent of Democrat college students said they were “very proud” to be an American, compared to 74 percent of Republicans. On the other end of the spectrum, 22 percent of Democrats were “not at all proud” to be an American, compared to just two percent of Republican students.

Among all students (Democrat, Republican and Independent), 63 percent were moderately/very proud to be an American – so we can take heart that we haven’t completely reached the tipping point on college campuses – at least with the students.

Which is pretty amazing, considering the liberal bias of their professors. The Daily Wire reports An extensive study of 8,688 tenure-track professors at 51 of the 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges in the U.S. published by the National Association of Scholars found that the ratio of faculty members registered as Democrats compared to those registered Republican is now a stunning 10.4 to 1. If two military colleges that are technically described as “liberal arts colleges” are removed from the calculations, the ratio is 12.7 to 1.

The researcher, Mitchell Langbert, Associate Professor of Business at Brooklyn College, found that nearly 40 percent of the colleges in the study had zero faculty members who were registered Republican. Not a single one. Nearly 80 percent of the 51 colleges had so few Republican faculty members that they were statistically insignificant.


But back to our study of college students…There were some other interesting results, when broken down by gender and race.



Only 19 percent of female respondents in total said they were “very proud” to be an American, compared to 43 percent of males. Non-binary respondents had the highest overall dissatisfaction rate, clocking in with 35 percent not at all proud to be an American. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a spot to write in what they/ze would rather be.

The results by race were perhaps the most surprising. Guess which ethnic group measured the least pride in America? Native Americans. Only 22 percent said they were very proud — in fact ZERO percent said they were moderately proud. However, a full 60 percent of black Americans were very or moderately proud. Black Americans even outpaced Hispanic (55 percent) and Asian respondents (56 percent) in their pride for America.

Sadly, pride in America has been slipping bit by bit. In July, Gallup released a poll showing fewer than half of Americans were “very proud.” While 70% of U.S. adults overall say they are proud to be Americans, this includes fewer than half (45%) who are “extremely” proud, marking the second consecutive year (since 2001) that this reading is below the majority level.


While we cannot control the media, political discourse or lame things politicians say, we at Nine Line will continue to be relentlessly patriotic, and unapologetic for our love of country.




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