U.S. Drops MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS on Afghanistan admin April 13, 2017 Veteran Inspired 97 In the wake of the killing of a Green Beret by ISIS militants in Afghanistan, the US has responded by dropping the largest non-nuclear bomb in the Achin district of the Nangarhar province in Afghanistan. Th...
Veteran-Run Non-Profits Partner for Casino Night for Vets in NYC admin March 29, 2017 Non Profit Initiatives, Veteran Inspired 996 Nine Line Apparel and the Nine Line Foundation are proud to cohost a Casino Night for Veterans in New York City with the FourBlock Foundation on Wednesday, April 5, 2017. The event will be held at the New York ...
9 Line – That Others May Live – How One Woman’s Film About USAF Pararescuemen is Becoming a Reality admin March 21, 2017 Non Profit Initiatives, Veteran Inspired 2,550 A few years ago, Dawn Hoffman started a film project entitled “9 Line - That Others May Live.” Working directly with the Pararescuemen at Moody AFB, Hoffman created a script that promotes who they are and to sh...
Cleaning Up the Veteran Serving Community Jeff Cleland March 10, 2017 Veteran Inspired 40 A report came out yesterday on FederalTimes.com about a veteran who received $63,000 in VA benefits for claiming he was blind, when he was actually driving himself to appointments. While this may sound like a ...
GET IT TOGETHER, CIVILIANS! SPC Carl February 25, 2017 Veteran Inspired There are a bunch of things that you might find REALLY WILL PISS YOU OFF when you leave the military and transition into civilian life. This is likely to be a recurring thing, so we’ll touch on a few things thi...
Restoring a Legend in the Low Country – the Mighty Eighth B-17 “Flying Fortress” admin February 21, 2017 Veteran Inspired 5,644 Nine Line Apparel is excited to announce that we are partnering with Savannah’s own Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum to raise awareness and funds for their reconstruction of the “City of Savannah” B-17 bomber, a....
3 Military Ways to Fail Your Next Job Interview SPC Carl February 18, 2017 Veteran Inspired 246 Getting a job is one of the most stressful parts of getting out of the military. Sure, the admin people do an alright job with getting you out, kindof, and there is always some VA rep or VFW guy who comes in tr...
The Beginner’s Guide to Shamming SPC Carl February 11, 2017 Veteran Inspired 746 If there’s one thing I’ve noticed since getting out, it’s that people all over the place are so obsessed with following the “rules.” And sure, rules are good things and, yes, in the Army, you generally have to ...
Project K-9 Hero – Providing Cushy Retirements for the Military’s Cutest Veterans admin February 8, 2017 Veteran Inspired 16 If you're not a dog person, sorry, but we just don't trust you. There's just something about those sweet, slobbery faces that melts our hearts. Whenever we look into those big doe-y eyes, we can't help but reac...
Surviving Life Approaching Separation SPC Carl February 4, 2017 Veteran Inspired 1,673 There Comes a point in every servicemembers’ life when they realize that they can't wear the uniform forever. This usually sets and with such questions as, “what will I do?” and “how will I live?” Well, don't y...